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Expert Overview

Hor$ense has been available continuously since 1989, and Expert (V8) continues the tradition of being the PRICE‑PERFORMANCE LEADER in handicapping software.

Handicapping involves complex and multi-faceted variables, and Hor$ense evaluates and analyzes the most controllable of these facets, which will be covered below. What sets Hor$ense apart from the competition is that it uses a combination of advanced data evaluation and analysis formulas and the exclusive Hor$marts Plus (the second-generation advanced Artificial Intelligence) “engine” to give you unparalleled results. Hor$marts Plus actually “thinks” about the data you enter, and then adjusts it by blending proven heuristics (“common sense” and “rule-of-thumb” methods) to fine tune the available data. Expert uses a two-stage heuristic process called Hor$martsToo, which allows you to manually adjust facet values whenever specific criteria is met. You can actively participate in the Hor$marts process OR you can use the Auto-Set feature to do all of the “thinking” for you, and you can control the Auto-Set feature for each facet. This is just one example of the evolving POWER of Hor$ense!!!

Another example is the speed at which Hor$ense operates. You can choose from FIVE different data formats: three from BRIS (standard single-file comma-delimited, A-Odds/HAT and MultiCaps) and one each from TrackMaster (“B”) and JCapper (user‑created). With these files, you can handicap a race in as little as ONE minute per race!!! This breakthrough allows you to completely handicap ALL of the races on a card in less than FIFTEEN minutes!!! Just imagine all the time you can save... time that you could use for any number of different things. This is a superior option to spending endless hours using outdated and inferior methods!!!

Hor$ense – Expert is highly customizable, should you choose to go beyond the default settings. There are three areas available for customization: the enhanced system setup (Hor$etup), the more powerful facet profiles (Hor$essions) and the pre-race screening profiles (Hor$trategies). This combination of setup features gives you ABSOLUTE control of your handicapping environment, by letting you perform handicapping at infinite levels… from “out-of-the-box” hands-off handicapping to changing the various settings to actively participate in every evaluation and analysis option offered!!!

The continued success of Hor$ense comes from the fact that it is designed as a selective handicapping program, using a proven and accurate pre-race screening process to decide whether the race is worth handicapping. It does this by working behind-the-scenes with: [1] the date of the race, [2] the track abbreviation (used for class), [3] the surface type and condition of the racing surface, [4] the race distance, [5] the type and value of the race (stakes, allowance, claiming, maiden, and so on), and [6] the age and sex conditions. Also in the background, Hor$ense analyzes a series of past performance related questions regarding the number of horses that have: [1] recent form at any track, [2] recent form on the same surface at any track, [3] a race at or beyond the distance on the same surface at any track, and [4] recent form at the track where the race is being run. The results of this analysis will appear on a screen – interpreted in both words and numbers – and a “pass or play” recommendation.

On any given race card, the "pass or play" recommendation will select a range of zero to four races for handicapping. You can still handicap "unplayable" races, but your chances for success dramatically decrease with those kind of races. If you create and then use a more restrictive or less restrictive Hor$trategy, you will get less or more races (respectively) flagged as “playable”. Of those initially selected races, it is possible that the results of the evaluation and analysis will steer you clear of one or more of the previously “playable” races. Besides, if you’re in the game for the long run, it’s better to walk away from a bad race than it is to throw bad money at it. Of course, Hor$ense NEVER forces you into a “pass or play” decision… it lets you make your own grown-up choices.

Let’s go step-by-step through the Hor$ense process for a race:

·        Download a race from BRIS, TrackMaster or JCapper (this is done outside of Hor$ense), and place it in the proper folder for Hor$ense to find it (only do this once per card per day)

·        Extract the race card from the downloaded file OR select another race from an already extracted card (and a place to change surfaces)

·        Hor$ense displays all of the horses in the field, where you can make any necessary scratches or jockey/trainer changes

·        Review the default Hor$trategy and decide if you want to change it or accept the default (can be hidden)

·        Review the Pre-Race Screening advice to decide if you want to PASS or “PLAY” the race

·        Review the default Hor$ession (including the possible threshold settings) and decide if you want to change it or accept the default (can be hidden)

·        In some cases, you will offered the chance to print out the Race History (Hor$tats, which is a BETTER version of “the form”), which is used during the next step

·        Hor$ense will automatically evaluate each horse (if you are in the “Fully Automated” mode) OR help you evaluate the horses (in the “Interactive” mode), based on your Hor$ession selections

·        Decide where you want to send the output: a pre-determined MS Word file or the default printer

·        After horse evaluations are completed, review the Race Summary screen (where you can save the race AND/OR create an “expert’s” odds line)

·        Review the individual facet analyses and the enhanced Summary Analysis (called Hor$elections), where you can also take an in-depth look at individual horse analysis and use the improved money management tool

·        Review the Hor$ense Final Check (the results may steer you clear of a “data poor” race), where you have the opportunity to redo the analysis by changing the facet parameters

It’s actually much easier than it appears. Once you settle on the methods you want to use to handicap, most of what you see happens in an instant. If you are in the “Fully Automated” mode, the horse evaluations are completed in a matter of SECONDS!!! In the “Interactive” mode, the horse evaluations typically take less than one minute per horse… and often much less than that. The amount of time for the race analysis depends entirely on you, and it can take as little is ten seconds or as long as ten minutes. We’ve covered all we can at a higher level, and now it’s time to get into the details…

You're ready to look at the facets that Hor$ense uses to handicap races...

SPEED - Converting times from past performances (PPs) is a critical aspect of thoroughbred handicapping. There are many instances where you are dealing with different distances, sometimes from different tracks. Calculations can be made for any race at any track in North America. Here's a list of major Hor$ense SPEED features:

·        Estimates first call, second call and final times for any PP between 5 furlongs and 1 1/4 miles, including "about" distances.

·        Estimates fractional and final times using velocity based (feet per second) formulas.

·        Fractional and final times are adjusted for sprints and routes, turf and main track races.

·        Estimates PP's from your track... adjusts for "shippers" too.

·        Estimates the final 1/8 of a mile... at all distances.

·        Uses the “DRF” Speed Rating & Track Variant (from BRIS, TrackMaster, JCapper) or data provider specific Speed Figures (from BRIS or TrackMaster).

·        Estimates route times from sprint races (using a special "fatigue" factor for greater precision), and sprint times from route races.

·        Uses over 100 accurate trouble calls, based on the trouble location and track size. An option now exists for flagging long layoffs. You can even estimate your own trouble.

·        Jockey weights can be factored into the final calculations.

·        Estimates the predicted order of finish, based on each horse's final time.

·        Hor$marts will trigger when the estimated final time or last 1/8 mile looks suspect, asking you about horse's ability to run as fast as the estimate (this happens without your intervention when the Auto‑Set feature is turned on for this facet). Depending on your response, Hor$martsToo may be called and allow you to make a manual adjustments to speed settings.


FINISH - Estimating a horse's final position is not as easy as it looks. Using Hor$ense, you can:

·        Estimate the final position for distances between 5 furlongs and 1 1/4 miles.

·        Estimate route finishes from sprint PP's, and sprint finishes from route PP's.

·        Compare the estimates for each horse against one another.

·        Hor$marts will trigger when the estimated final position looks suspicious, asking you to supply some insight into the horse's ability to run as good as the estimate (this happens without your intervention when the Auto-Set feature is turned on for this facet). Depending on your response, Hor$martsToo may be called and allow you to make a manual adjustment to the final position.


PACE - When selecting the FINISH option, Hor$ense will analyze pace lines by:

·        Estimating the first call and second call positions.

·        Estimating the BEST pace, based on the PP that provides the top finish estimate.

·        Adjusting the figures for field size differences.

·        Adjusting route positions from sprint PP's, and sprint positions from route PP's.

·        Estimating the most likely REAL pace, based on the pace lines for the entire field.

·        Comparing the BEST pace to the REAL pace for each horse.

·        If SPEED is also selected, you can choose how to select SPEED and FINISH data. You have the option of basing the data you save on: the finish associated with the fastest time, the time tied to the best finish, or a combination of the best finish and fastest time (regardless of which PP's they come from).

·        Hor$marts will trigger when the estimated final position looks suspicious, asking you to supply some insight into the horse's ability to run as good as the estimate (this happens without your intervention when the Auto-Set feature is turned on for this facet). Depending on your response, Hor$martsToo may be called and allow you to make a manual adjustment to the first call and second call positions.


TRIP - When using SPEED, FINISH and PACE, Hor$ense estimates the most likely trip by:

·        Estimating the SPEED-based first and second call position for each horse.

·        Comparing the BEST and REAL pace lines to the SPEED pace line for each horse, and assigning values to the comparisons.

·        Selecting the proper ratio of importance for the first call versus the second call, with defaults always provided.

·        Trip analysis evaluates each horse's ability to get into a position to run its best race.


CURRENT CLASS - Based on the most recent competition level for a horse, this useful option:

·        Uses a multi-stage analysis, using a combination of current-year and prior-year racetrack purse information. These track class values are updated annually, as well as any in-season updates for any new track identified.

·        Calculates accurately for over 580 tracks worldwide.

·        Compares the PP class level to the current race class level, and calculate a class rating difference.

·        Evaluates the relationship between CURRENT CLASS and FINISH... only if the FINISH option is also selected.

·        Hor$marts will trigger when the current class of a PP is more than a "double jump" higher or lower than today's race, asking you to help adjust the PP's class (this happens without your intervention when the Auto-Set feature is turned on for this facet). Depending on your response, Hor$martsToo may be called and allow you to make a manual adjustment to the value of the recent past performances.


PAST CLASS - Using the horse's "record box" data, you can estimate a past class level of competition by:

·        Choosing class data for the current year, past year, overall turf record, overall dirt record, and so on.

·        Calculating values by dividing the weighted number of first through fifth place finishes by the amount of money won.

·        Hor$marts will trigger when the past class is more than a "double jump" higher or lower than today's race, assisting you in properly adjusting the past class (this happens without your intervention when the Auto-Set feature is turned on for this facet). Depending on your response, Hor$martsToo may be called and allow you to make a manual adjustment to the past class.


IN-MONEY Ratio - Based on the percentage of times a horse finishes in the money, you can:

·        Produce an accurate ratio by dividing the weighted number of first through third place finishes by the number of races run.

·        Choose to analyze in-money ratios using WIN, WIN/PLACE, or WIN/PLACE/SHOW finishes for each horse.

·        Automatically adjust for horses that have too few races to be used in "normal" analysis.

·        Hor$marts will trigger when the in-the-money ratio is unusually high or low, allowing you to make a manual adjustment to the ratio (this happens without your intervention when the Auto-Set feature is turned on for this facet).


JOCKEY Rating - Calculations determine the rating for the jockey of any horse you are handicapping by:

·        Dividing the weighted number of first through third place finishes by the number of races run by the jockey of a horse.

·        Choosing to analyze in-money ratios for WIN, WIN/PLACE, or WIN/PLACE/SHOW finishes for each jockey.

·        Hor$marts will trigger when the jockey rating is abnormally low or high, asking for input that adjusts this rating (this happens without your intervention when the Auto-Set feature is turned on for this facet). Depending on your response, Hor$martsToo may be called and allow you to make a manual adjustment to this rating.


TRAINER Rating - Using available data, estimates are made for any horse's trainer for any horse by:

·        Dividing the weighted number of first through third place finishes by the number of races saddled by the trainer of a horse.

·        Choosing to analyze in-money ratios for WIN, WIN/PLACE, or WIN/PLACE/SHOW finishes for each trainer.

·        Hor$marts will trigger when the trainer rating is unusually high or low, asking for more data (this happens without your intervention when the Auto-Set feature is turned on for this facet). Depending on your response, Hor$martsToo may be called and allow you to make a manual adjustment to this rating.


WORKOUTS - Analyze any workout under any conditions, based on:

·        Workout times and "days away/between" patterns.

·        Handily, breezing or driving workout styles.

·        Other features: track condition ("wet" vs. "dry"), "dogs" up, and gate workouts.

·        Weighting factors that create a "value" for one or more workouts.

·        Hor$marts will trigger when Hor$ense notices that a workout or series or workouts are too high or low, asking you about the "rituals" of the trainer, and adjust the workout score accordingly (this happens without your intervention when the Auto-Set feature is turned on for this facet). Depending on your response, Hor$martsToo may be called and allow you to make a manual adjustment to the workouts.


Once the evaluations have been completed for all of the horses, it’s time for the analysis!!! A Summary screen shows all of the race-level information you need to know, and then each of the above facets used will display an analysis screen.


Hor$ense Selection - While the individual facet calculations can be powerful tools by themselves, proper overall evaluation of each of these facets requires an accurate method of decision making. The tool for this is the Hor$ense Selection.  It's based on the conditions of the race and the amount of data you enter for a race. Here are the outstanding features of this powerful tool:

·        Numeric values are assigned to any combination of the above handicapping facet calculations for the horses.

·        Scores are translated into point ratios, success scores and mock odds for every horse in every race.

·        The morning line and a “tout” (expert) line is also shown; “tout” line requires previous data input

·        Final results can be viewed as RAW and WEIGHTED scores.

·        An easy-to-read BAR GRAPH option is available. Two TABLE formats – “by value” and “by rank” – are also available.

·        Individual “DIG DEEP” horse analysis, which converts the data to words that everyone can understand!!!

·        Individual money management analysis



Other Hor$ense highlights include:

·        A DATE controlled system suggests when to use (or skip) PP's and workouts.

·        An ODDS Estimator that uses actual pari-mutuel wagering formulas!

·        An improved MONEY Management system that helps you control your money!

·        Handicapping facet selection defaults are based on race conditions for each individual race.

·        The ability to enter scratches, jockey/trainer changes and jockey weight changes.

·        Enhanced on-screen HELP, enhancing those cumbersome – and sometimes unreadable – user manuals.

·        The Race History (Hor$tats), which improves on the traditional “form” data, with color coding of the critical information that is most important in a race (including user‑controlled Pedigree ratings).


For 30 years, Hor$ense has stood behind this premise: You might find handicapping software for the price of Hor$ense, and you might find handicapping software having the same features as Hor$ense… but you WILL NOT find handicapping software with the same features for anywhere near the price of Hor$ense.

Find out TODAY how good Hor$ense – Expert really is!!!